2025 HISTEP Registration 

  • DBEDT Logo     SBA Logo

  • The Hawaii State Trade Expansion Program (HiSTEP), is funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).

  • You must complete this form each year you intend to participate in HiSTEP programs. A business advisor from the HiSTEP team will contact you for an initial consultation on how we can best assist your company. To learn more about HiSTEP please visit the HiSTEP page.

Download the SBA Self Representation Form and SBA Form 1624, complete the forms, then upload here:
Company Contact Information
Physical Business Address

Phone Number Format: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Format: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Name of the head of company

Contact Information for the person in the Company responsible for Exporting

Format: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Company Outline

Use the NAICS Code Search for assistance.

Please report your annual export sales for the following years.
Please enter whole numbers without commas or decimals.





(Not less than 51 percent of the company must be owned by the individual that fits the category)

More information about the above, including sign-up and application links, can be found at HiSTEP programs.


  • Manufacturers of Hawaii-made products, please fill out the form immediately below.

    Service Companies must fill out the Valuation Form for Service Companies form, further below.

Made in Hawaii Valuation

By submitting this formula, you are certifying that all of the information is true and correct. There are three components of product cost:
  • Direct Material Cost — raw materials, distinguished by origin, imported or Hawaiian;
  • Direct Labor Cost — the cost of workers who add value to a product through their directinvolvement in the production process here in Hawaii; and
  • Manufacturing Overhead Cost — indirect manufacturing costs incurred in Hawaii, which includes:
    • Indirect labor costs – wages of employees not directly involved in product, including:
      • Wages for employees performing equipment maintenance and repairs;
      • Wages for production supervisors; and
      • Wages for personnel supporting production such as quality control inspectors.
Please enter whole numbers without commas or decimals.


    Fill out the Made in Hawaii Valuation for Service Companies form fields below.

    By submitting this form, you are certifying that all of the information is true and correct.

Please enter a number from 0 to 100.

Please enter a number from 0 to 100.

Please enter a number from 0 to 100.

Please enter a number from 0 to 100.

Agreement to Terms and Conditions

By checking this box, you acknowledge that you have read and comply with the following:

1. Be registered and in good standing with the State Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs Business Registration Division.

2. Have a current General Excise Tax License with the State Department of Taxation.

3. Be willing to share export information as it relates to sales made or anticipated to be made from this show. Individual company information will be kept confidential but reported in aggregate. It is necessary for us to report this information in order to receive continued funding support for export promotion programs from State and Federal sources.

4. Agrees to allow the sharing of information for the Hawaii State Trade Expansion Program (HiSTEP) for the sole purpose of providing HiSTEP export development services: Hawaii Department of Business Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT); Small Business Development Center (SBDC); Hawaii Pacific Export Council (HPEC); Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA); Patsy T. Mink Center for Business & Leadership (MCBL); INNOVATE Hawaii; Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC).

Other notes:

Priority for selection to participate in the Hawaii Pavilion will be given to companies that have a Hawaii-made product that meets the “Made in Hawaii” designation as defined under Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 468-119, stipulating that the product will have at least 51% of the wholesale value added by manufacture, assembly, fabrication, or production within the State.

Upon completion, the questionnaire will give you an Export Readiness Assessment score based upon your responses.

By typing your name below you are digitally signing this form                       

Funded in part through a Grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration